Landscape Architecture and us..

"I have always loved design ,aesthetics and art. As an architecture student at the Technion institute, my projects always combined the relationship between the building and the environment. In practice, the feeling has intensified and I shifted from architecture to landscape architecture...”“I was born in Haifa city and always loved to draw and travel. The profession combines many of my loves…I enjoy sculpting topography like clay. I would like people who visit the places I designed, to prefer the outdoors over the indoors…” I want my project to be right for each place, That everyone will find his own pleasure, that people will want to come and visit again..” “I was born and raised in a Kibbutz. When I was at the age of work duty, I chose to join the janitoring sector and fell inlove with the botanical and design world .Then I decided, when I grow up I will work with soil and plants .Later I realized it was called ‘Landscape Architecture’”...“I believe that when we treat the landscape with love, the love is the landscape. “

Nimrod Amado
נמרוד אמדו נמרוד אמדו
Landscape Architect, Owner

B.L. Arc, Technion, Israel

Inbar Amado
ענבר אמדוענבר אמדו
Landscape Architect, Founding

B.L. Arc, Technion, Israel ,

Master of Society and Arts, ASA ONO Academic College

Lecturer , Ruppin Academic Center

Yael Berkowicz
יעל ברקוביץ׳יעל ברקוביץ׳
Landscape Architect, Associate

B.L. Arc, Technion, Israel

Adi Maayan
עדי מעייןעדי מעיין
Practical Landscape Engineer

Ruppin Acadmic Center,

B .Des - Visual Communication, The Yezreel Valley College

Inbal Shmueli-Shatil
ענבל שמואלי שתילענבל שמואלי שתיל

B. Arc, Technion, Israel

Yaara Nota
יערה נוטהיערה נוטה
Practical Landscape Engineer

Ruppin Academic Center,

B.Des - Visual Communication & Illustration , Shenkar

Adi Mann
עדי מןעדי מן
Practical Landscape Engineer

Ruppin Academic Center

Edan Ariel
עידן אריאלעידן אריאל
Landscape Architect

B.L.Arc, Technion, Israel

Ofer Cohen
עופר כהןעופר כהן
Landscape architect

B.L.Arc, Technion, Israel

Adi Mashelnic
עדי משלניקעדי משלניק

Landscape Architecture Program, Tecnion, Israel

Esther Guershon
אסתר גרשוןאסתר גרשון
Landscape Architect

B.L.Arc, Technion, Israel

Or Shmueli Sabag
אור שמואלי סבגאור שמואלי סבג
Office Manager

MFA from the Honor Rooll Program in Stage, Cinema, and Television Design, Tel Aviv University